Yahoo News on the Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Censorship at the Huffington Post -- Part of the Problem Rather Than Any Solution

The following comment has previously been CENSORED by somebody with an axe to grind at the Huffington Post, but they don't tell you what they find objectionable they just act like Nazis ever since being sold to AOL and they censor whatever they feel like.  So not knowing WHY there is only left guessing, and I'm guessing it's either they don't tolerate criticism aimed at them or they didn't like the link I posted along with (though it's been fine in other posts) so I have taken those out and just posted the comment below.  Let's see how badly HuffPo is part of the information bottleneck regarding the Fukushima meltdowns, will they even tolerate this mild post?

The original article titled "Homeopathy For Radiation Poisoning" is at

This article is misleading and potentiall­­y dangerous to anyone unwise enough to take it seriously. The author seems to imply that small doses of radiation might actually be good for you, an old concept called "hormesis" which was never scientific­­ally validated and does not make sense because ionizing radiation only induces damage to biomolecul­­es and cells, never any kind of healing or cleansing or anything good. It's a little like saying small doses of arsenic or lead might be good for you, which the author actually attempts to support above in the case of arsenic! Some of his proposed homeopathi­­c remedies even contain radioactiv­­e elements like radium and uranium! This reflects an astounding disconnect with the medical knowledge gained since the pioneering days of radiation when people used to think it was good for them and exposed themselves to harmful radiation as a tonic. We know better nowadays.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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