Yahoo News on the Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Monday, 4 April 2011

Censorship #2 at the Huffington Post

An article titled "Homeopathy For Radiation Poisoning" at the Huffington Post is SO bad and received SO much criticism (see ) that the comments below it are apparently being watched over very closely by someone with an axe to grind.  The following comment was CENSORED TWICE SO FAR!  Although there are many other comments there with a similar tone, perhaps this one was censored because it takes HuffPo to task for letting such a poor article slip through to publication:

This article is misleading and potentiall­y dangerous to anyone unwise enough to take it seriously. The author seems to imply that small doses of radiation might actually be good for you, an old concept called "hormesis" which was never scientific­ally validated and does not make sense because ionizing radiation only induces damage to biomolecul­es and cells, never any kind of healing or cleansing or anything good. It's a little like saying small doses of arsenic or lead might be good for you, which the author actually attempts to support above in the case of arsenic! Some of his proposed homeopathi­c remedies even contain radioactiv­e elements like radium and uranium! This reflects an astounding disconnect with the medical knowledge gained since the pioneering days of radiation when people used to think it was good for them and exposed themselves to harmful radiation as a tonic. We know better nowadays.

I am all for any homeopathy that works but its treatment in this article doesn't pass the simplest sniff test and should never have been approved for HuffPo. Anyone serious about protecting themselves from radiation should avail themselves of the best that modern science can offer, and avoid quackery like this from the 1800's. My book Antinuclea­r Nutrition, available at http://Ant­inuclearNu­­m , reflects the state of the art in the SCIENCE of radiation protection­. If you have any friends who live in Japan, please let them know about it because it could really help them.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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