Robots sent into the reactor buildings at the Fukushima nuclear plant have found massive radiation levels, preventing workers from entering. TEPCO also announced a new 9 month plan to stabilize the situation, proposing to cover the reactors with a Chernobyl-like sarcophagus. The situation at the nuclear complex remains critical, with high radiation and difficult access hampering progress.
From May 10: NEW video Destroyed Spent Fuel Pool SFP3 of Reactor Unit 3 at Fukushima Daiichi 8 May 2011:
In the comments to the video above user 'Rep0007' says "That's blasted cement and tangled REBAR, not fuel racks. It's debris that fell back into the hole after a FAST CRITICALITY blew the melted spent-fuel rods through the reactor roof 1,000 feet into the sky. ANY QUESTIONS?? Spent fuel pile #3 WENT CRITICAL, IT BLEW IN A NUCLEAR "FLASH" in milliseconds--not a full "confined" nuclear explosion, probably only a half-kiloton inefficient "fizzle". That's what you're looking at in the blast video--not a tame little "hydrogen explosion"."
If that's true the contamination will be MUCH higher than TEPCO or even our agencies are letting on, and they should know by now simply by radiation forensics -- detecting the downwind composition and quantities of radionuclides.
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