"How many casualties occurred at Chernobyl as compared to Fukushima?
" is the wrong question to ask because radionucli
des especially plutonium-
239 released into the environmen
t will be causing cancers, birth defects, life shortening
, mental retardatio
n, and other major problems for everyone who inhales or ingests the slightest speck of it for the next quarter of a million years. So it's too early to know how many of the thousands upon thousands of people in all those generation
s are going to be 'casualtie
s' of today's nuclear stupidity, but one thing's for certain and that's that our distant descendant
s will consider world culture at this time as consisting of barbaric subhuman psychopath
s for crapping up the entire world with radioactiv
ity at their expense, and doing so knowingly, for nothing more than a selfish desire for cheap electric power.
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